Rogues out in Wildspace have to use their wits to survive in a frontier where the boundary between magic and technology begins to dissolve. Some of these rogues develop an intuition for exploiting the arcane, learning how to pilot spelljammer ships, disarm magical traps, and craft useful tech. Wildspace scoundrels often make their living through criminal enterprise, working as smugglers and fixers while traveling between the stars.
When you take this roguish archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in firearms and futuristic weapons (DMG, p. 268).
When you hit a creature that is surprised with a sneak attack, your sneak attack dice deal maximum damage.
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Vehicles (space), and you can attune to a spelljammer helm even if you are not a spellcaster. You have advantage on ability checks made to pilot a space vehicle, recall information about spelljamming ships, or engage in a spelljammer duel.
You can also use your thieves' tools to dispel magical effects, as if casting dispel magic, except making a Dexterity (thieves' tools) check in place of a spellcasting check, and spells of 3rd-level or lower are not automatically dispelled.
Doing so takes 10 minutes of effort, and the DC is 10 + the level spell slot used to create the effect, or a DC associated with the magical effect, whichever is higher. On a failed check, magical traps are triggered.
You cannot attempt to dispel the same magical effect more than once in the same 24 hour period.
Starting at 9th level, you can craft 3 arcane tech items at the end of a long rest.
You can craft the same tech item more than once, though you can only have 3 tech items total in existence at a time. If you exceed 3 tech items, the oldest one ceases to function when the newest item is created.
Disruption Grenade. As action, this grenade can be thrown up to 60 away, where it explodes in a 20 foot cube. Creatures inside the cube must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take your sneak attack dice in thunder damage and be incapicitated until the end of your next turn. The save DC is 10 + PB. A creature takes half damage on a successful saving throw, and is not incapacitated.
Medpack. As a bonus action, a medpack can be administered to heal a creature, curing 2d4 + PB hit points. The medpack is consumed in the process.
Neural Implant. As a bonus action, you gain advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws for the next minute. You can't activate the same neural implant again until you complete a long rest, and you can only ever create a neural implant for yourself.
At 13th level, you gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed when underwater, and a fly speed equal to your walking speed when in an environment with no gravity.
You can cast air bubble at will as a bonus action, targeting only yourself.
Starting at 17th level, you can create 6 arcane tech items at the end of a long rest, and you can now have 6 arcane tech items in existence at a time.
Your arcane tech also benefit from the following upgrades.
Disruption Grenade. Your grenades now cause the stunned rather than the incapacitated condition.
Medpack. Your medpacks now heal 4d4 + PB hit points, and remove one condition afflicting the target.
Neural Implant. When you activate a neural implant as a bonus action, you can choose to cast haste on yourself in place of its normal benefits (does not require concentration from you).